The drama follows two long-time friends, plastic surgeon Park JaeHoon (Choi SiWon) and variety show PD Goo YeoReum (Lee DaHee). Their relationship is tested when JaeHoon suddenly becomes a cast member of a dating reality show that YeoReum helps to produce. The drama has everything from spicy love lines, heartfelt conversations, and side-splitting humor sprinkled in between. As temperatures cool, the ENA drama promises to keep your heart hot and pumping with excitement. But if you’re just hearing about the drama and still wondering what’s so great about it, look no further. Here are some reasons why “Love Is For Suckers” is shaping up to be the perfect romantic comedy.  

1. Choi SiWon And Lee DaHee’s Chemistry

Individually, Choi SiWon and Lee DaHee have received numerous praise for their acting performances. Together, they make a heart-fluttering pair as Park JaeHoon and Goo YeoReum. Despite this being their first project as an on screen couple, they have shown amazing chemistry and compliment each other perfectly. You can just feel every emotion possible by watching their joint performance, ranging from romantic butterflies to tear-inducing laughter. Choi SiWon and Lee DaHee are a pair that we didn’t know we needed and we’re so glad that “Love Is For Suckers” brought them together.  

2. Supportive Friendship

Despite their hidden romantic feelings, Park JaeHoon and Goo YeoReum started off as friends first. It’s heartwarming to see the two support each other in multiple aspects of their lives from work, relationships, and even family-related matters. The two perfectly showcase what a long-lasting friendship looks like with the right amount of bickering and concern for the other person. We all need a friendship like theirs in our lives — with or without the romance.  

3. Set On A Dating Reality Show

Dating reality shows are already hot enough with the various love lines and contestant interactions. Add that spice to a K-Drama and you get “Love Is For Suckers”. There are all the usual elements of a dating show, making you root for certain couples to end up together during the final selection. “Love Is For Suckers” also shows how much work is put in behind the scenes by the production crew and the juicy drama that comes with it. If you’re a fan of dating reality shows, then this drama is definitely for you.  

4. First Love Story

There’s just something about first love stories that gets your heart racing at a million miles an hour. Despite this trope being common and cliché, “Love Is For Suckers” keeps things interesting and makes Park JaeHoon and Goo YeoReum a couple you want to continue rooting for. When Park JaeHoon realizes he’s in love, the drama shows what could have happened if he made his move sooner. This alone is enough to hold onto the hope that they will receive their happy ending. Have you started “Love Is For Suckers”? What do you think of the rom-com so far? Let us know in the comments!   6 Korean Romance Movies To Binge With Your Besties At A Sleepover KDRAMA STORIES|Jul 25, 2022 19 Best Romantic Comedy K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist (2022 Update) KDRAMA STORIES|Dec 13, 2022

4 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 284 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 394 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 514 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 414 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 704 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 794 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 504 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 724 Reasons Why  Love Is For Suckers  Is The Perfect Romantic Comedy - 53